Saturday, December 28, 2013

Three Cans of Coke

 Three Cans of Coke

There are three cans of Coke. Three of them are manufactured in  East Java.

When the time comes, a truck comes to the manufacturer, picks up those cans of Coke, and distributes to different places.

First stop is Indomaret. The can is displayed on a shelf with the other cans of Coke. The price is Rp 4,000.


Second stop is Sogo Super Store. The can is displayed in a refrigerator. The price is Rp 7,500.

Third stop is luxurious Sheraton Hotel (Five-stars hotel). The can is not kept on a shelf or refrigerator. This can will be dished up, if there is an order from customers.
Moreover, this can will be dished up with crystal glass and ice cube. Everything is served in a tray and the steward will open the can and pour into the crystal glass politely. The price is Rp 40,000.

The question is,
Why do the three cans of Coke have different price one another, although they are manufactured by the same manufacturer in East Java, delivered with the same truck, and even the same taste and aroma?

Your environment reflects your PRICE

Environment talks about RELATIONSHIP
If you are in an environment that makes out the best of you,
you will be great.
If you are in an environment that looks down on you,
you will be "dwarf" forever.

The same person, the same talent, the same capability
different environment
different value

God Bless You!
Brian Bernadi

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Special Edition: CHRISTmas


I hope this message finds you well.

How many of you who remember John 3:16?
For me, I have heard it many many times in my life. It is like "a must-read-and-memorize" verse in the bible.

Below, I cite two translations of John 3:16:
1. Amplified Bible (AMP)
"For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life."

2. The Message
“This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life." 

I do not want to write a long blog this time. 
Please look at this inspiring and touching video. This video tells us about "another story" of John 3:16. There is also a subtitle for you to understand the video much more easier.

Never let your Christmas run meaninglessly. He came for you and only for you.
Response to His born accordingly.

I wish you the merriest Christmas!
God bless you :D
Brian Bernadi


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dare Out of Safe Zone

Dare Out of Safe Zone

"Open rebuke is better than secret love"
Proverbs 27:5

A caterpillar has to strive in cocoon, before it becomes a beautiful butterfly. 

A soft oyster's body is penetrated by an amount of sand, before it becomes a beautiful pearl.

Sometimes, we have to dare out of safe zone and eradicate old things--to get new and better things.
Do not let yourself to be "paralyzed" without any significant change!

Adapt and Grow!
Look every challenge as a beneficial opportunity.

To grow, we need to change!
To change, we need to sacrifice! (money, time, or energy)
Change without SACRIFICE is NOT a REAL CHANGE.
Some people consider CHANGE as a GROWTH.
Some people  consider CHANGE as a PAIN.

If you see the change as a pain, it will make:
- A delayed success,
- A decreasing spirit of striving
- A weak endurance,
No enthusiasm to try, then no result at all except pains.

If you see the change as a growth,
Whatever the painful sacrifices, you will endure stronger and stronger; because what we imagine is the end of amazing result.


"He who has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls."
Proverbs 25:28

God bless you!

Twitter: Brian_Bernadi

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Living Beauty

Living Beauty

A mountain will become a BEAUTIFUL VIEW, if you see from a distance.

There is an ugly flower and a beautiful flower,
There is a light one and a dark one,
All of them are THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTS that make the mountain becomes a BEAUTIFUL VIEW when you look from a distance.

LEAVE your dark histories...
LEAVE your ugly life....


Do not stay in a chain of bitterness and regret!
If you succeed to AVOID from those things, you will see how BEAUTIFUL your life is.

Be grateful for what has happened and whatever you have been experienced,
because those things are THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTS that shape your life to become a BEAUTIFUL PERSON.

No one is able to change your histories, but you can spoil your future by weeping your past and worrying about your future.

Life will be easy, if you can decide to enjoy what you have than to regret for what has happened.
If you have tried to change something, but it is not successful; try to change your perspectives.

God only gives you the best, although it is not according to your wants. Just believe that He has a more beautiful plan.

Draw yourself closer to Him.
The closer your life with Him, the lighter your burdens.

It is better to change your life before your life changes you.

No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. 
Luke 9:62

Keep far away from your past, and your life will be more beautiful.

God bless you!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bee vs Fly

Bee vs Fly

Why does bee find flowers swiftly? 
Why does fly finds dirt swiftly?

Instinct of bee is just to to find flowers, and instinct of fly is just to find dirt.
Bee is not interested in dirt, conversely fly is not interested in fragrance and beauty of flowers.

As a result,  bee is wealthy of honey and fly is wealthy of germs.

If we apply this into our life, then a question will come up into your mind..
Why are some people good and some people bad?

Because bad people are not interested in good things. If there are evil thing, lie, hatred, or malice, they are eager to spread those bad things. They are people who are easily provoked without any further thought.
Conversely. good people are those who are interested and will not respond to those bad things.

What are thought -->  what you will be seen.
What are seen -->  what you will be got.

This life is very dependent on heart and mind.

If your heart and mind are always negative, whatever you see will always be negative. The result will also be negative such as hatred, anxiety, jealousy, pain, or resentment.

Philippians 4:8-9
"whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. "

Do you want to live happily?
Start from your heart and your mind to be positive.
What are seen will be positive, and the result will be happiness.



Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Eagles Flies, Chicken Stays

Eagle Flies, Chicken Stays

Diceritakan dahulu kala terdapat seekor elang dan seekor ayam yang bersahabat bersama. Meskipun sang elang dapat menerkam ayam, tapi hal itu tidak dilakukannya, dan mereka pun memilih bersahabat bersama.

Setiap kali sang elang terbang, si ayam selalu lari pontang-panting. Terkadang si ayam baru terbang sedikit, tapi sudah ngos-ngosan dan elang pun merasa kasihan.

Suatu ketika si ayam meminta sang elang untuk mengajaknya terbang tinggi sampai ke ujung langit dan sang elang pun menyetujuinya. Tapi sayangnya, belum sampai diujung langit si ayam sudah mulai takut akan ketinggian, perutnya mual dan ia mendesak sang elang untuk menurunkannya.
Begitu turun, sampailah mereka di sebuah peternakan dan bertemu dengan paman sapi. Paman sapi ini sangat baik sekali dan rela berbagi makanan dengan si ayam. Si ayam pun heran, kok ada yah tempat yang begitu enaknya seperti ini? Tidak perlu berburu untuk mencari makan, semuanya sudah tersedia dengan melimpah di sini.

Begitu sang elang mengajak ayam untuk terbang lagi, si ayam pun menolak. Pikirnya buat apa bersusah payah melawan ketinggian demi mencari makan, toh di peternakan ini semuanya sudah tersedia dengan melimpah. Sejak saat itu persahabatan mereka pun berakhir, sang elang memutuskan untuk terbang lebih tinggi lagi dan si ayam pun memutuskan untuk tinggal dengan jaminan makanan yang ada di peternakan itu.

Suatu ketika, si ayam mendengar bahwa ibu petani ingin makan ayam hari itu. Mendengarnya, si ayam pun lari pontang-panting, namun apa daya badannya yang kegemukan karena banyak makan tak mampu membawanya pergi jauh. Akhirnya si ayam pun tertangkap dan berakhir di meja makan.

Manakah jiwa yang anda pelihara?
Dari cerita di atas, kita dapat mengambil pelajan, “hewan” seperti apakah yang sedang anda pelihara di dalam jiwa anda? Apakah anda sedang memelihara elang? atau memelihara ayam?

Elang adalah hewan yang sangat susah dikandangkan, ia memilih berburu sendiri dan terbang semakin tinggi ketika badai datang. Elang adalah simbol pejuang, entrepreneur dan para professional yang berkelana dengan helicopter view untuk selalu mencari tantangan baru yang dapat membuatnya terbang lebih tinggi. Ia mampu menerkam peluang secepat kilat, larinya cepat, DNA-nya terbentuk dari mengamati, belajar dan berbuat. Elang adalah risk taker, penjelajah yang berani meski berangkat sendirian.

Sedangkan ayam adalah makhluk kandangan. Ia lebih senang berada pada zona nyaman yang membuat mereka “aman” dengan segala fasilitas yang diberi, yang membuat mereka tetap bisa bermalas-malasan tanpa evaluasi dari pihak lain. Sekelompok ayam ini bisa kita lihat dari kebanyakan mereka yang bekerja di sektor pelayanan pemerintah. Walaupun diberi makanan yang berkecukupan, ayamnya kurus, kerjanya malas, matanya redup dan terkadang tiduran.

Saya tidak berkata bahwa semua yang bekerja di sektor pelayanan pemerintah itu bermental ayam, tapi sejauh yang saya temui sampai saat ini, kebanyakan penghuninya bermental ayam seperti yang saya jelaskan di atas.

Untuk itu, janganlah mudah kita dimanjakan keadaan yang lama-lama membuat kita bermental ayam. Terbanglah setinggi mungkin, tangkap peluang secepat kilat dan beranilah mengambil resiko untuk berburu sendirian. Semoga kita semua mampu memelihara elang di dalam jiwa kita.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Do Not Look Back

Genesis 19:26
"But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt."

Actually, casualties or victims could be reduced when earthquake occurred in Yogyakarta 27 May 2006 (7 years ago). According to a story, many people that had escaped from home safely--went back into their home to save their assets. Unfortunately, they lost their life while they were trying to save their assets.

Similar story to what had happened with Lot's wife. Even it looks like a small matter, looking back can cause a serious problem. Supposedly Lot's wife was safe. But, she looked back and she died.

 The same thing with those casualties that supposedly were safe, but  in the end they died because they went back to their home to save their assets.

This thing prevails in every aspect. In career, relationship, or so on. Many people are discouraged in their activities just because they are remembered about past failures. 

Many workers are discouraged with their job because of firing or layoff. Many workers do not perform well in their career because they are afraid of their past experiences which lead to firing of layoff in the end.

Many relationships becomes a big trouble just because people always remember all the mistakes of their soulmates. 

Past stories cannot be changed. Therefore, it is better we focus to change our future through our decisions today.

It is OK if you want to learn from the past failures. but do not live there (read: in your past failures). 

We will never reach our desired future, if we still look back.

 2 Corinthians 5:17
 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!" (Today My Life Begins - Bruno Mars)\
God bless you!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Living Like A Pure Gold

Living Like A Refined Gold

God PROCEEDS someone's life as if a gold miner in the river.
He PROCEEDS"black mud" sediment from a river, "be chosen", and "be melted" to become A REFINED GOLD.

For many are taken, but few are chosen.

Those who are CHOSEN,
be cleansed by PATIENCE and ENDURANCE,
until it turns to be shiny,
the condition is much BETTER than before.

But those who are NOT CHOSEN,
Must be FALLEN to rock bottom of  the river, 
DISAPPEAR completely in "messiness."

Those who are CHOSEN,
Must enter the REFINING PROCESS,
High heat container is ready to melt them.

Whoever GIVE UP,
and cannot survive,
MUST be wrecked by the high-heat refining container.

But whoever SURVIVE,
they are well-qualified...


Suffering that you bear now is a process which God allows,
to separate you from UNRIGHTEOUSNESS and PURIFY your life, 

Never give up!
Your tears will not drop in vain!

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
(Romans 8:18)

Something GOOD will come to those who BELIEVE.
Something BETTER will come to those who ENDURE.
Something BEST must come to those who NEVER GIVE UP.

God bless you!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Keep Going Son!

Keep Going Son!
A son drove a car with his father.
After few kilometers away, there were dark cloud and gust suddenly.
The sky became dimmed.
Some of cars stopped and stepped aside.

"What should we do father? We stop?" the son asked.
"Kept going son!" his father stated.

The son kept driving the car.
The sky became darker and the gust became stronger. Rain fell. Trees toppled, even flown by wind. It was so scary. Big vehicles stopped and stepped aside.

"Kept going son!" the father ensured.

The son kept driving hardly. Heavy rain hindered his sight, only few meters to the forefront.
The son started to be frightened, yet kept driving slowly.

After pass through some kilometers ahead, rain started to stop, wind started to be calm.
After some kilometers ahead, they reached dried place and sun shone brightly.

"You could stop and go out" the father uttered.
"WHY now? the son inquired.
"Look back now and you could see if we stopped in the midst of ongoing storms.

He imagined people trapped there. He just understood to never stop in the midst of storms because you will be snared in uncertainty.

If we are facing storms of life, keep going.
Don't stop and be disappointed!
you will drown in the frightening condition continually.

Do what you can do, and NEVER STOP even you failed..

Remember! Storms shall pass!
With God, you can pass the storms!

God bless you!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Principle of Respect

Principle of Respect

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:21)

A  monk, wore a dirty tunic, solicited alms-giving from a rich merchant. The rich merchant mocked the monk's tunic and rebuked the monk.

A couple days later...
A monk came with a luxurious tunic to solicit alms-giving from the rich merchant.
The rich man asked his maid to serve deluxe, plush food to the monk.

The monk wore off his tunic, folded it neatly, and put it on the table.
"Yesterday, I came with dirty tunic and you rebuked me. Today, I came with luxurious tunic and you welcomed me. Obviously, these food were not for me yet for this tunic."
After that, the monk left the shocked merchant...

Then, the monk concluded,
"If it is not me, but my tunic which is honored; why do I have to be happy?
If it is not me, but what I wear is insulted; why do I have to be sad?

That shows human beings,

People tend to honor other people from what they possess, such as clothes, wealth, status, not as a  PERSON itself.

If you are honored, do not boast yourself..
If you are not honored, do not be anxious and disheartened.. 

   “Do not keep talking so proudly
    or let your mouth speak such arrogance,
for the Lord is a God who knows,
    and by him deeds are weighed.
1 Samuel 2:3 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Learning From Eagles versus Ravens

Eagles versus Raven

Eagles have several enemies. One of the enemies is raven that shouts and interrupts disgracefully.
In real life, you may have some "ravens". They may be irritating and annoying, if you neglect them.

Did you know?
When an eagle flies out, an raven will follow it. The raven will start to annoy, mock, and disturb the eagle.
To get rid of the raven, the eagle just spreads its eight-feet wings, observes air pressure, and flies higher to a certain point where no other birds, even the raven, can reach this point.

The same way...
If you want to get rid of disturbances, you have to "fly higher" not "fly lower".

If people pull you down, it means you are above them.

Increase your quality of life to solve your matters.
Never let people pull you into a conflict and disunity.

Be an EAGLE! NOT a raven. No "ravens" can disturb you! None of them!
God bless you :D

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Peace In The Midst of Storm

Peace in The Midst of Storm

Isaiah 26:3 (AMP)
You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.

Richard Fuller, a servant of God lived in 19th century, told about an old sailor who said, "In the midst of tempest, we have to position the ship on the right place and keep it tightly"

You have to place your soul on one steadfast position and keep it.

You have to depend on God; 

Even when many things block your ways such as storms, tidal wave, lightning, coral reef, or anything,
You have to hold firmly to the faithfulness of God and His unending love in Christ Jesus

Are you in problems?
Learn from the old sailor..
Direct your mind to God..
Ask for His help..
Believe in Him that He will give you a peace in the midst of tempest

Phillippians 4:6-7
Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.
And God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

The secret to enjoy the peace is Surrender all your worries to God

God bless you :D

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

When I say..

When I say.. 

When I say ... "I am a Christian" 

I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin'." 
I'm whispering "I was lost, 
Now I'm found and forgiven." 

When I say ... "I am a Christian" 
I don't speak of this with pride. 
I'm confessing that I stumble 
and need Christ to be my guide. 

When I say ... "I am a Christian" 
I'm not trying to be strong. 
I'm professing that I'm weak 
And need His strength to carry on. 

When I say ... "I am a Christian" 
I'm not bragging of success. 
I'm admitting I have failed 
And need God to clean my mess. 

When I say ... "I am a Christian" 
I'm not claiming to be perfect, 
My flaws are far too visible 
But, God believes I am worth it. 

When I say ... "I am a Christian" 
I still feel the sting of pain. 
I have my share of heartaches 
So I call upon His name. 

For by grace you have been saved
When I say ... "I am a Christian" 
I'm not holier than thou, 
I'm just a simple sinner 
Who received God's good grace, somehow.

Maya Angelou