How are you my loyal readers? Lol.. For those who are new readers, I welcome all of you to my spiritual, nor religious blog. Today's post is created when I taught Sunday School children at my local church on October 19, 2014.
To be honest, I do not study deeply on The Book of Old Testament, especially The Prophets parts. You may agree that Old Testament is truly boring and difficult-to-digest book. However, as I read attentively and try to fully comprehend the book of Daniel--especially chapter 6:1-29 about "Daniel In The Lion's Den, I begin to understand the power of Faith and Prayer. It is a life-changing God's instrument.
If you read thoroughly from the first chapter, you will find that Daniel is a strong prayer man. He loves God and comes before Him regularly (three times a day). In chapter 6:1-29, you will find more about his unfailing faith and his amazing prayer life.
Please read this exciting passage because I will only emphasize on some important things. In this chapter, you will find Daniel still prays to God, eventhough he hears the bad news stated "whoever does not obey King Darius's commands, he or she will be thrown into the lion's den." He prayed even harder and put his faith to God alone. What a total submission we see.
The passage tells us that God is able and willing to set His people free from fear. Daniel's way of life will hardly be found in today's world where people are getting busier and busier, however, God will empower and strengthen to do so. Daniel showed his loyalty to God despite in the midst of problems and challenges.
Here is a great song that God is as far as a prayer, yet it is in Bahasa.
Questions to you now are:
1. Do you pray regularly (day and night)?
2. Do you pray because you long to communicate with God?
3. Do you pray by faith and trust His perfect plan?
4. Do you pray at night and say Amen in the next morning?
"Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!"
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!"
(Psalms 34:8 - ESV)
Have a nice day!
God bless you!
Brian Bernadi