Hi! Hi! Hi!
I hope you are on your perfect day today :)
What will come across your mind after seeing the title of my post? You may question and respond, "How come? Bible is so dull, or it is incomprehensible, or it is irrational."
Yes, you may utter something like that. However, I wish you will sense the same experiences I had through this post.
In this special opportunity, I would like to share one of my best experiences in my whole life. Let's get started!
I would like to begin with a story when I became a Christian and received Jesus Christ as my only Saviour.
I broadcasted God's message through social media. Yet I did not feel overwhelmed with His words at that time. It seemed I serve God as an OBLIGATION not OBEDIENCE. I got nothing!
Three years later I graduated from my high school, and I pursue my bachelor degree in Jakarta. I joined as an usher at English Worship Service.
Three years later, I am involved as a Sunday School Teacher until now. As a Sunday School Teacher, I was trained for almost six months.
I was prepared on how to be a good teacher, how to understand children's behaviour, and most importantly how to understand God's words and explain them comprehensively.
While I was trained, there was a pastor said like this, "Please read your Bible. Bible is so interesting. You will find out many interesting things and prophetic messages. It is so beautiful"
As time goes by, I read Bible deeper and some commentaries or trustworthy resources to sharpen my understanding. Boom! I got it now! After I know His prophetic messages, now I feel that God speaks to me clearly. I was so overwhelmed with His words, and it feels so pleasant and peaceful deep inside my heart.
In conclusion, I encourage you to immerse yourself with His words. Learn from Him because He will guide and show and reveal His perfect yet mysterious plan. Let us slide back and heed to Him. In the end, you will find a peaceful life like never before.
Surrender and let God take control of your life.
Have a great day!
God bless :)
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