It has been nearly a month I have not written on my blog again. I am so sorry because I needed to do my thesis or final report, which was killing me softly. Lol...
Anyway, a few days ago, the weather was not so friendly in Jakarta. Flood and immobilization were everywhere. That was really scary, it was like the end of the world. Lol... Thanks God, slowly but sure, the weather seems friendly and better lately.
Today, I am going to share with you a truly "strange" story, if I can say. Lol... I take this story from Luke 5:17-26 with a title "Jesus Heals A Paralytic." For further stories about healing, please take a look at some stories such as "Jesus Heals A Centurion's Servant" on Luke 7:1-10 (this is one of my favorite stories of faith) and "Jesus Cleanses A Leper" on Matthew 8:1-13.
Generally, those healing stories are almost the same in terms of plot; but if you look and study attentively on the story of "Jesus Heals A Paralytic", you will find out something noticeable and different with other healing stories.
And when he saw their faith, he said, “Man, your sins are forgiven you.”
That sentence will be the climax and the strange point of this passage simultaneously. The statement came from Jesus when He saw the paralyzed man lying down right before Him.
Do you think it is odd with Jesus' saying? Why? Just imagine if you put your shoes on the paralyzed man at that time. He probably mumbled to Jesus, "Are you stupid or crazy? I am asking you to heal my sickness, why do you say my sins are forgiven not my sickness are healed?!"
That is Jesus, friends. As I read and contemplated His Words time to time, I did realize that Jesus' sayings are very unique and deep in meaning. That is why some of my pastors ever said that reading Bible is always interesting if you want to dig in deeper and deeper. Whatttt?!?!
If we observe the context of this passage thoroughly, those people believed that sickness is largely caused by sins. Moreover, those people only knew and believed a faith that Jesus can only heal sick people, not forgive people's sins. It was because the one who can forgive people's sins is God alone, not Jesus.
This passage is trying to disclose that God or Jesus can do both healing and forgiving. Even, Don't be people who merely believe that Jesus can heal us, but let us believe that Jesus can also forgive our sins no matter how sinful and how bad we are.
Jesus is trying to reveal that healthy spiritual life is much more important that healthy physical life. Our physical health is just a bonus from God, yet the most important things is our soul and our life have been redeemed fully by Jesus on the cross.
Do not get me wrong. We can still put our faith on God's healing, miracles, or in any areas, but salvation matters as well. FAITH to be healed is completely fine, but FAITH to be forgiven by God is needed and required.
Let's ask for His forgiveness and live our lives as a VICTOR not a VICTIM. We are paid and ransomed not by silver or gold, but we are paid and ransomed by His precious blood and His own body. It is so priceless and valuable, isn't it?
In addition, the way we live our salvation matters a lot. Don't be so naive! Sometimes we only desire and expect blessings and good things from God, but we never want to sacrifice and take up our own cross. Let's take up our own cross, walk in faith, and persevere our salvation. It is free, but it does not mean we can take it for granted. We have to pay the price!
God bless you!
Have a very nice day!
Leave comments if you have something in mind. I would really appreciate it.
Thank you.
Brian Bernadi
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