Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Grace vs Wage

Antonio Salieri
An opera "Amadeus" is about an 18th-century composer who was trying to comprehend God's will. Antonio Salieri is a virtuous man who has a sincere desire to be able to create a majestic and magnificent music, but he was not awarded any talent to do it. He was resentful because God awarded the "amazing" talent to a delinquent guy named Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

In the opera, a question came up, the same as Job asked oppositely. The writer of Job asked why God punished virtuous people in the whole world; while the writer of Amadeus asked why God gave an unworthy people to receive that gift.

Scandal of grace is discussed on a parable of the workers in the vineyard and unfair wages. 

"About five in the afternoon he (landowner) went out and found still others standing around. “He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.'" (Matthew 20:6-7-NIV). 

The workers who had worked a whole day grumbled when they knew that they received the same wages. 

"‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.'" (Matthew 6:12-NIV)

This story does not make any sense economically. HE gives us the parable of grace which is uncountable as if wages for a work. 

GOD gives us grace, not wages.

God, sometimes I forget that love, blessing, or forgiveness which I received from YOU are not because of my work.
YOU have poured out your blessings to me as a gift, not a wage.

A word of worthy does not prevail in God's grace

A song from Hillsong: Scandal of Grace

God bless you!
Brian Bernadi

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